Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah
Ok. I dislike the X-Factor. I think Ben Elton's book Chart Throb pretty much says it all.
I managed to watch very little of it this year (harder than it sounds given the exposure you get from other people) but did manage to be totally oblivious to the outcome. I remain so, with pride. However, I did hear that the song they are torturing this year to get the Christmas Number 1 is another cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah.
Well, I suspected that the facebook group was right on the matter, that it would be a soulless piece of merchandising, I just heard it, it is. Standard over produced tosh.
Well, I whole heartedly agree, Jeff Buckley's version is not only better, it is one of the most beautiful performances of any song I have ever heard and has long been a favourite of mine. I already own two copies of it on genuine real physical media, but I'll be downloading too. Probably futile, but I'll feel better for having tried. If you want to join the rebellion the link above has the details.
Oh, and you kids, get off my lawn!