Here are some talks and other public output that I curate here. Many dates are in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) because, well, this. Some of these may now be rather outdated obviously, but here for my record at least. In some cases there's no way to record the content give so it's mostly for me to keep the dates.

External Blogs and Interviews

Talks and Lectures


Necessary and Sufficient, my inaugural lecture, with its own post here, from 2016-02-18.

My soaking on 2014-09-07, which was so incoherent that I supplemented it with this blog post.

A small section from one of my above talks in 2013.

Papers, Peer Reviewed

  1. Improving Semiconductor Reliability with Advanced Engineering Methods in Test Program Development. Vock, Stefan R, Escalona OJ and Turner, Colin, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), Volume 31, No 1. pp 107-117, February 2015
  2. The use of Software Engineering Methods for Efficacious Test Program Creation. Vock, Stefan R, Escalona OJ and Turner, Colin, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), Volume 30, No 4. August 2014
  3. Challenges for Semiconductor Test Engineering: A Review Paper. Vock, Stefan R, Escalona, OJ, Turner, Colin and Owens, FJ Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), 28 (3). pp. 365-374.2012.
  4. The Inverse Problem Utilizing the Boundary Element Method for a Nonstandard Female Torso. Jamison, C, Navarro, C, Turner, C, Shannon, J, Anderson, JMCC and Adgey, JJD IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 58 (4). pp. 876-883. 2011.
  5. Detection of Cardiac Arrest using a Simplified Frequency Analysis of the Impedance Cardiogram recorded from Defribillator Pads, Cesar Navarro, Nick Cromie, Colin Turner, Omar Escalona, John Anderson, 33rd Annual IEEE EMBS Conference, Boston, MA, 30 August - 3rd September 2011.
  6. The Impedance Cardiogram Recorded Through Two Electrocardiogram / Defibrillator Pads as a Determinant of Cardiac Arrest During Experimental Studies, Nick Alexander Cromie MD, John Desmond Allen MD, Colin Turner PhD, John McC Anderson MPhil DPhil, A A Jennifer Adgey FACC, Critical Care Medicine, May 2008,
  7. Widening Opportunities for Placements through Partnerships using OPUS Online Placement Management, R.J. Laird, C.R. Turner, Association for Sandwich Education and Training (ASET) 27th International Conference, Lancaster, 8-10 September 2009
  8. A New Paradigm for the Online Management of Global Placements using OPUS, R.J. Laird, C.R. Turner, I. Devenish, H. Chicoine, World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) 16th International Conference, Vancouver, 23-26 June 2009
  9. Interactive Web-based Placement Management – Principles and Practice using OPUS, R.J. Laird and C.R. Turner, World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) with CAMPOSTELA Group of Universities 7th Annual International Symposium on Work Integrated Learning, Madrid, Spain, 3rd - 5th December 2008.
  10. OPUS Online Enhances Work-integrated Learning – The Students' Views, R.J. Laird and C.R. Turner, Australian Cooperative Education Network and World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) International Conference, Sydney, Australia, 30th September to 3rd October 2008.
  11. Placement Assessment Online Using OPUS – The Work-based Assessor's Views, R.J. Laird and C.R.Turner, Association for Sandwich Education and Training (ASET), 26th International Conference, Plymouth, 2-4 September 2008
  12. OPUS online WIL management system supports requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 for quality assurance, R J LAIRD BSc CDipAF and C R TURNER MIMA CMath CSci, World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) 6th Annual International Symposium on Work Integrated Learning, Charleston, South Carolina, 13-15 Nov 2007
  13. OPUS Online Placement Management Supports UK QAA Code of Practice for Student Assessment, R J LAIRD BSc CDipAF and C R TURNER MIMA CMath CSci, Association for Sandwich Education and Training (ASET) 25th International Conference, Cardiff, 4-6 Sep 2007
  14. OPUS Online Placement Management Shifts the Paradigm, R J LAIRD BSc CDipAF and C R TURNER MIMA CMath CSci, World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) 15th International Conference, Singapore, 26-29 Jun 2007
  15. OPUS Online Placement Management Supports UK QAA Code of Practice, Mr R J LAIRD BSc CDipAF and Dr C R TURNER MIMA CMath CSci, World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) 15th International Conference, Singapore, 26-29 Jun 2007
  16. Clusters in Metric Spaces, C.H.Jamison, C. Turner, G.E. Livesey, H.A. Donegan, J.McC. Anderson, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 21, No 3, 2005, 319-333
  17. Realisable recognition patterns in constrained total negation, T.B.M. McMaster and C.R. Turner, Topology Proceedings 29 (No 1) 2005 pp. 217-228.
  18. Managing Placement On-line, Turner C, Crawford G, McGivern D, Laird R, ASET, York, September 6-8, 2005.
  19. Managing Personal Development Planning On-line, Crawford G, McGivern D, Turner C, ASET, York, September 6-8 2005.
  20. Improving Survival Rates Post Cardiac Arrest, Di Maio R, Cromie NA, Anderson J, Meenan BJ, Turner C, Adgey AAJ, IEEE CBMS 2005, June 22-24, 2005 in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
  21. A method for the ECG inverse problem in the frequency domain, Navarro C, Turner C, Escalona O, Owens C, Anderson J, Adgey AAJ, IEEE CBMS 2005, to be held June 22-24, 2005 in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
  22. Comparison of two biphasic defibrillators for in and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Simon J Walsh MB BCh MRCP, Anthony JJ McClelland MB BChir MRCP, Colum G Owens MB BCh MRCP, James Allen PhD, John McC Anderson DPhil, Colin Turner PhD, AA Jennifer Adgey MD FRCP, American Journal of Cardiology 2004;94:378-380.
  23. The use of calculated epicardial potentials improves significantly the sensitivity of a diagnostic algorithm in the detection of acute myocardial infarction, Cesar Navarro, Colum Owens, John Riddell, Anthony McClelland, John McC Anderson, Omar Escalona, Colin Turner and Jennifer Adgey, Journal of electrocardiology Vol 36 Supplement 2003 pp 127-132.
  24. Body Surface Mapping in the Diagnosis of the Acute Myocardial Infarction, J McC Anderson, J Allen, C Turner, A A J Adgey, J Riddle - Seventh Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference, 18–21 November 2001, Perth, Western Australia (303-312).
  25. Constrained Total Negation and its iteration, By T.B.M. McMaster and C.R. Turner, Math. Proc. Royal Irish Acad. 101A (1) (2001) 21-26.
  26. Functional Equations in Total Negation, By T.B.M. McMaster and C.R. Turner, Journal of the Australian Maths Society, (Series A) 68 (2000), 334-339.
  27. Total Negation under Constraint: Pre antis, By T.B.M. McMaster and C.R. Turner, Boll. Univ. Mat. Ital, (8) 3-B (2000), 367-374.
  28. Constrained total negation and the pattern of repetition in the Bankston iteration sequence, T.B.M. McMaster and C.R. Turner, Proceedings of the third Galway Topology Colloquium (1999).

Other Academic Publications

  1. PDP supporting work and practice-based learning, Dr Colin Turner, Case Study in Personal Development Planning and Employability, Learning and Employability Series 2, The Higher Education Academy. (HEA Guide) ISBN 1-905788-27-4
  2. Managing Placements with IT and Online, Dr Gordon Crawford, Miss Victoria Devenney, Miss Ann Doris, Mr Philip Houston, Mr Ronald Laird, Miss Tamsin Pyne (Editor) and Dr Colin Turner, Good Practice for Placements Guides – Volume 1. (ASET Guide) ISBN 0-954-2231-6-0

Computing UK National Press

  1. Introduction to FidoNet technology (1), Nov 94, Internet & Comms Today Issue 1
  2. Introduction to FidoNet technology (2), Dec 94, Internet & Comms Today Issue 2
  3. Introduction to FidoNet technology (3), Jan 95, Internet & Comms Today Issue 3
  4. Introduction to FidoNet technology (4), Feb 95, Internet & Comms Today Issue 4
  5. Introduction to FidoNet technology (5), Mar 95, Internet & Comms Today Issue 5
  6. Constructing a BBS (1), Mar 95 Internet & Comms Today Issue 5
  7. Constructing a BBS (2), Apr 95 Internet & Comms Today Issue 6
  8. Constructing a BBS (3), May 95 Internet & Comms Today Issue 7
  9. Constructing a BBS (4), Jun 95 Internet & Comms Today Issue 8
  10. Constructing a BBS (5), Jul 95 Internet & Comms Today Issue 9
  11. Enhancing a BBS, Aug 95, Internet & Comms Today Issue 10
  12. Telnet / Hitelnet, Aug 95, NetUser Issue 4
  13. Emulators Sites, Aug 95, NetUser Issue 4
  14. Setting up a Web Site, Sep 95 NetUser Issue 5
  15. DIY/Craft Sites, Sep 95, NetUser Issue 5
  16. Software Archives, Oct 95, NetUser Issue 6

(Some of these articles were reprinted in the first issues of NetDirectory and How to Get Online).

Fidonet Technical Standards

  1. FTS-4009.001, Netmail Tracking (Via), Colin Turner, Joaquim Homrighausen, 2003-05-16
  2. FTS-5000.001, The Distribution Nodelist, Colin Turner, Andreas Klein, Michael McCabe, David Hallford, Odinn Sorensen, 1999-06-27
  3. FTS-5001.001, Nodelist flags and user flags, Colin Turner, Andreas Klein, Michael McCabe, David Hallford, Odinn Sorensen, 1999-06-27


Most of my code can be found on my GitHub account or at