Gnome 3, or Gnome Shell issues
I use the Debian operating system on several computers. My "main" computer (Imladris) runs Debian unstable (Sid) while the others mostly run on testing. I've been anticipating the Gnome 3 upgrade for some time, mainly because of the switch to Gnome Shell which is a completely new way of using the desktop. I had played with Gnome Shell a while ago, and was kind of impressed and worried by it in equal measure, I decided it wasn't ready for prime time so stopped using it. Naturally I assumed it would be much more impressive upon release; especially since Debian is not (by far) the first GNU/Linux distribution to include Shell.
A while ago a big upgrade came through on imladris, and it was clear it was the Gnome 3 upgrade. I share this computer with three other users, two of which are children for whom I have implemented password less login (locally only). I can only say I think Gnome have significantly mishandled the upgrade. Here are some reasons why.
Login is seriously slow
The display manager can take up to a whole minute to display the list of users (and often doesn't display the icons). There are some bug reports about a possible race condition that causes this, but seriously on a reasonable spec computer this is unacceptably slow. The same problems occurs when switching user.
I couldn't login
My, admittedly old user account simply wouldn't launch a working desktop. I had to (at a command prompt) delete configuration directories to get my account working again.
Absolutely zero support for the user in transition
So the average user does the upgrade and suddenly their entire desktop has changed. But when they first login there will be some guidance about where everything is gone... right? No. Having already used Shell, I knew, but I had to try and show everyone else how to use the machine again. It's not that spectacularly intuitive.
Actually, a lot of functions have just gone
There's a huge removal of existing functionality. All your carefully tweaked panels: gone. All your applets: gone. And bizarrely often with no working alternative.
Not friendly for children
It was possible to set up a Gnome 2 account to make it easy for kids. Low res graphics, and big panels with big select icons. The new paradigm completely ignores all that in favour of a sleek minimalist environment which is probably not that easy for young children to understand.
Dictatorial design choices
It's been decided that we don't need minimise buttons or maximise buttons. It's been decided not to honour old desktop backgrounds. It's been decided not to honour existing resolution settings. It's been decided not to show anything on the Desktop (much to the confusion of many users). It's been decided we can't right click on the desktop.
Some of this kind of nonsense is exactly why I don't like some other operating systems who believe they know what's best for you with Messianic Zeal (I'm looking at you Apple).
All in all I find this transition very disappointing. There are lots of basic things no-one seems to have thought of, and years of desktop customisation have been swept away with an extraordinary arrogance. Don't get me wrong, I support the idea of trying a new Desktop paradigm: but, for instance, if people used to have applets on their desktop for the weather, or for system monitoring, it's because they needed it. Rolling out a new desktop that simply ignores these things in favour of how some people thing everyone should use their desktop is exasperating.
I'm seriously hoping that Gnome Shell improves significantly and fast. I won't hold my breath.