Sky Interference

We got Sky+ just before Christmas; since my daughter gets the say over the remote control while CBeebies is broadcasting, and then my wife takes over till about 11pm, it's the easiest way for me to get to see anything. We have had sporadic signal problems however. Today I discovered it was SRSSI - Starling […]

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Sony Ericsson K800i

I had a Samsung SGH-720 or some such. It's been nothing but a pain in the butt... very buggy, especially the bluetooth, which required a power cycle to work correctly 75% of the time. So I got a Sony Ericsson K800i. It seems to be a lovely phone, lovely crisp graphics, good menus and user […]

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Drupal Login Problems

So, in order to post that rant about PHP and SimpleXML I had to fix a problem that seems to have spontaneously arisen with Drupal (this content management system). For some reason it wasn't persisting login information, at least from firefox (sorry - iceweasel here on my Debian system). It's interesting to note, reading about […]

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SimpleXML should be called BloodyAckwardXML

Another night of coding in PHP, and I've officially decided that SimpleXML utterly irritates me. I'd already discovered, much to my irritation, that is virtually impossible to handle SimpleXML objects elegantly with the Smarty template engine - but now I discover I can't even shove them in a PHP session without trouble - when you […]

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Palm TX woes

So yesterday my Palm TX wouldn't switch on. After a lot of frustration I eventually hit the reset button on the back. Then it kept crashed on the "Palm Powered" logo and entered into an infinite loop - well infinite until the battery ran out. I managed a warm reset and can get a lot […]

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New look for the website

So, here's a new look for gondolin. Essentially I'm trying out a CMS because I'm too lazy to always have to use some web editor. I hope you like it, it's easy to reverse if not!

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